4by4 Part 2

4by4 Part 2 150 150 Ben Coker

Four by Forward

Part 2 – ‘Self’




This domain is all about matters that only concern and are entirely controlled by ourselves, including health and fitness, nutrition, wellbeing, learning, knowledge and understanding, spirituality, faith and belief.

It’s all about who we are personally, individually, internally, without reference to anyone or anything else other than the Universe or Higher Power, which is part of (or indeed is) the Self.

It includes self esteem and happiness, to which you could add confidence and fulfilment, then there are nutrition, health and wellness, physical fitness, mental fitness, knowledge and understanding and to each of these segments you can add further elements, four in each segment, a total of 16.

his domain is all about you and only you except where you consider your personal degree of ‘connection’ with the Universe perhaps measured by your vibrational level through a Soul Realignment reading or figuring it out for yourself from the Hawkins scale.

The only ‘relationship’ you’re considering here is between ‘you’, as your spiritual self and you host body and mind. The Ho’oponopono ritual carried out by yourself, or a practitioner may also be helpful here.

When you compare your results from your monthly chart look at the average difference to assess how much effort or focus you ned to put into this domain each month compared with the other three. You’ll do the same for each of the other domains.