4by4 Part 3

4by4 Part 3 150 150 Ben Coker

Four by Forward

Part 3 – ‘Not Self’



Not Self

This is all about our relationships with everything outside’ ourselves. From how we relate to the planet, the environment, ‘life on earth’, communities, cultures, friends and colleagues, family and of course one-to-one relationships of all types.

This domain is all about how you relate to every ‘thing’ which is ‘not’ you. This may be other people and also any pet animals you may have, other animals, plants, fungi, non-living things such as works of art, technology, buildings, your car, landscapes, oceans, rivers, places, beaches, what you see in the sky and the rest of the Universe.

Even though ‘you’ are part of that and there is a continuum of every ‘thing’, how do you feel about all these things and people? How do you react and respond to them and their reactions and responses to you?

When you come to the measurement sheet add your personal preferences to the elements shown, the environment, other life forms, your personal one to one or close/intimate relationships, ‘family’ however you understand it, friends and other people you know and wider community, social, ethnic and cultural groups