4by4 Part 4

4by4 Part 4 150 150 Ben Coker

Four by Forward

Part 4 – ‘What we DO’




‘Giving’ is essentially about what we ‘do’, what we spend our time ‘doing’ from household chores to voluntary work, participation in sports and other teams, employment, business and career an also any teaching, mentoring, coaching, healing and therapies etc.

This domain covers all we do in life and there is some interaction here with the first two domains. We ‘do’ things to improve our health (exercise) and knowledge (reading, studying) and we ‘do’ things in our relationships with each other. This domain is about all forms and types of activity; how much we do, how comfortable we are doing them and so on and there are many elements you can choose from for your personal analysis chart,
‘Doing’ generally falls into four categories.

• helping others in some way including teaching and coaching and contribution to charitable work
• creativity such as music, art and writing
• engagement in sports – team or otherwise and this might include personal exercise
• your job, career, vocation or business for which you (usually) receive some form of compensation directly or indirectly

How do you feel about what goes on in this area? It’s entirely under your control (as are all the domains) whether you think it is or not. You have the power to change anything you are doing if it doesn’t feel right.