4by4 Part 6

4by4 Part 6 150 150 Ben Coker

Four by Forward

Part 6 – ‘Balance’



Understanding Your Domains
The ‘Balancing’ Act

You’ll have heard of the ‘balance of life’ and ‘life-work balance’. These are misnomers and somewhat misleading. You may also have come across ideas and tools like ‘The Circle of Life’ where you are encouraged to subjectively plot various aspects of your life on a circular scale and strive to ‘balance’ things out to achieve a perfect circle or perfect 10 with every aspect of life balanced out and reaching the same ‘top’ score.

These ideas have not been thought through from a fifth dimensional point of view and we don’t see it quite that way. Certainly, there is a balance to be achieved but it’s not represented by a perfect circle and it’s not humanly possible to achieve 10 out of 10 in all aspects of life or indeed in any aspect of life and similarly it’s not possible to score zero.

here are balances to be achieved and we can look at the domains in slightly different terms. There should be a balance between your outputs (what you do) and your inputs (what you receive). Your relationships and what you do should be in balance, who you are and your lifestyle, and who you are, and your relationships should also be balanced. However, in this contest ‘balance’ does not necessarily mean ‘equal’.

If you’re familiar with a business Balance Sheet and P&L report, you may spot some similarities in what you’re doing here

When you’re out of balance in one or more of your domains it affects the others. If for example, you’re experiencing a health issue or a relationship problem it tends to overwhelm everything else. If you are very ‘high’ or very ‘low’ in one area it will have an adverse effect on the others.

Keeping the four domains in balance helps you manage your life, deal with ‘matters arising’, solve issues, stay calm, happy and content while moving forward on your path. Managing the balance between the four domains and the sectors within them helps you to set a framework for both setting and prioritising the goals and ‘dreams’ you discover during the development of your vision and manage your day to day activities.

Now it’s time to download and work through the Four Domains Workbook. This gives you some more information about the domains but it’s where you structure what you want to measure on a regular basis. Do take time over working through this. A special coaching session is available if you need it.