Experience clearly demonstrates your business development can’t be influenced or changed and your needs defined and resolved in just one session so the freedom academy programme of courses is designed to build your knowledge and understanding on an incremental basis

Courses (and coaching) are ‘learning’ and like most education systems are structured in increasing levels of complexity while at the same time transitioning from presenting information to its practical application.

The majority of courses contain some level of practical work rather than just reading. This is usually a workbook but may take other forms and may be augmented with coaching. For the uncoached courses optional coaching or mentoring is available.

Before you start it’s a good idea to have a mentor to guide you through what you need to do and when according to your existing knowledge and understanding.

If you’d like to discuss what course or courses you should follow you can book a free call with me to talk about it

Please scroll down for further information on screen. Click on the title for more information.
Courses listed below do not include coaching and you can work through them by yourself. Optional coaching is available if you feel you need it.
Coached courses which cannot be worked through alone are shown HERE

The Personal Business Creation System –  Learn how, in detail, to, step by step, set up your own personal business in any field without unwittingly making the mistake most people make.

Network Marketing Mastery

Taking Charge

Sullivan Secrets (working title)