Dreambuilder Coach/Life Mastery Consultant Registration

To access the current course materials please return the form below
Once registered you will receive details of how to access the programme and the passwords for downloading the content.

There are different passwords for each module
You can choose to give your clients direct access to the course content or you can download it yourself and deliver it separately to your client.
We suggest you give your clients access week by week or month by month.

Because we have to make sure the content is always up to date there is a one-off access fee which allows you to access the programme and provide access to your clients – you do not have to pay ‘per client’ as you would if you were getting the materials from the USA.

Please note that this facility is only available for coaches based outside Canada, USA, Mexico, Central and South America and the Caribbean. We cannot offer it to coaches in those areas.

For Dreambuilder Coaches the payment is £35
For Life Mastery Consultants the payment is £60 giving you access to all course materials for Dreambuilder, Working With The Law, Into Your Genius, Standing Firm and the 6-month Life Mastery programme.

Please complete the form and pay by Direct transfer to Sort Code 60-83-71, Account 53712453

If you require the physical course materials these must be ordered directly from Mary via your Brave Thinking Institute website.