Four by Forward

4by4 Part 7

4by4 Part 7 150 150 Ben Coker

Four by Forward Part 7 – ‘Going Forward’ VIDEO COMING SOON AUDIO COMING SOON Going Forward – Measuring We’ve developed a simple way you can check your ‘balance’ on a regular basis. You’ll see each domain is split into four on the Measurement Sheet making 16 segments altogether, but you can see within these segments aspects of each have been aggregated together. You can choose how you wish to do this to fit your purpose. Use the workbook to identify…

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4by4 Part 6

4by4 Part 6 150 150 Ben Coker

Four by Forward Part 6 – ‘Balance’ VIDEO COMING SOON AUDIO COMING SOON Understanding Your Domains The ‘Balancing’ Act You’ll have heard of the ‘balance of life’ and ‘life-work balance’. These are misnomers and somewhat misleading. You may also have come across ideas and tools like ‘The Circle of Life’ where you are encouraged to subjectively plot various aspects of your life on a circular scale and strive to ‘balance’ things out to achieve a perfect circle or perfect 10…

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4by4 Part 5

4by4 Part 5 150 150 Ben Coker

Four by Forward Part 5 – ‘Lifestyle’ VIDEO COMING SOON AUDIO COMING SOON Lifestyle This is about our lifestyle but also about our income and anything else we ‘get’ back ‘in return’ for what we do or anything we receive gratuitously. It’s also about our perception of ‘Freedom’ in all its aspects; freedom of thought, freedom of movement, time freedom and how these are constrained in any way by ourselves or others. This domain is primarily about the benefits of…

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4by4 Part 4

4by4 Part 4 150 150 Ben Coker

Four by Forward Part 4 – ‘What we DO’ VIDEO COMING SOON AUDIO COMING SOON Giving/Doing ‘Giving’ is essentially about what we ‘do’, what we spend our time ‘doing’ from household chores to voluntary work, participation in sports and other teams, employment, business and career an also any teaching, mentoring, coaching, healing and therapies etc. This domain covers all we do in life and there is some interaction here with the first two domains. We ‘do’ things to improve our…

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4by4 Part 3

4by4 Part 3 150 150 Ben Coker

Four by Forward Part 3 – ‘Not Self’ VIDEO COMING SOON AUDIO COMING SOON Not Self This is all about our relationships with everything outside’ ourselves. From how we relate to the planet, the environment, ‘life on earth’, communities, cultures, friends and colleagues, family and of course one-to-one relationships of all types. This domain is all about how you relate to every ‘thing’ which is ‘not’ you. This may be other people and also any pet animals you may have,…

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4by4 Part 2

4by4 Part 2 150 150 Ben Coker

Four by Forward Part 2 – ‘Self’ VIDEO COMING SOON AUDIO COMING SOON Self This domain is all about matters that only concern and are entirely controlled by ourselves, including health and fitness, nutrition, wellbeing, learning, knowledge and understanding, spirituality, faith and belief. It’s all about who we are personally, individually, internally, without reference to anyone or anything else other than the Universe or Higher Power, which is part of (or indeed is) the Self. It includes self esteem and…

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4by4 Part 1

4by4 Part 1 150 150 Ben Coker

Four by Forward Part 1 – Introduction VIDEO COMING SOON AUDIO COMING SOON The Four Domains Mary Morrissey talks of ‘four domains of life’ – her words are Relationships, Health & Wellbeing, Vocation, and Time & Money Freedom. Others identify five areas, for example ‘Fitness, Friendship, Family, Fun, and Finance’ and there are many variations of these across the ’personal development spectrum’. At the Freedom Academy we have chosen to adopt the concept of four main areas, or ‘domains’ of…

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