12 Steps of Dreambuilder

12 Steps of Dreambuilder 150 150 Ben Coker


The 12 Steps of Dreambuilder

The 12 Steps to Achieving Your Goals

Step 1Discover your Self
In this step, you’ll discover who you really are – where you really are and how you arrived at this point in each ‘domain’ of your life. You’ll learn what these are so you can start your journey with an awareness of what obstacles you might meet on the way

Step 2 – Honour Your Discontent
Life is always moving to a more expanded expression of itself. As a human being you can recognize this pull to the ‘more’ is by the discontent and longings you are feeling.
In this step, you’ll learn how to recognize and then honour these so you can then find the answer to begin living a life you would love.

Step 3 – Test Your Vision
Everything you see right now started with an idea; your chair, your bed, your clothes, or anything else around you. In this step, you’ll create a vision for one part of your life and test if it is worthy of your time and your energy.

Step 4 – Build a Bigger Deserving
Noticing and releasing the disempowering thought paradigms around your dreams is simple, but not easy. It’s something you have to work on over and over again in your mind.
In this step, you’ll learn the three magic words that you can say to your old paradigm in order to propel you toward your vision if you use them on a regular, repeated basis.

Step 5 – How to Deal with Fear
Fear is a companion along the journey to your vision and no successful person builds great visions without some fear along the way. People who produce seemingly extraordinary results have a way of relating to the power breathing them that’s different from others.
In this step, you’ll learn how to relate to that power in such a way that you’ll be able to block your fear so you can move toward your dream life.

Step 6 – Clearing the Way
In this step, you’ll learn how to relate to that power in such a way that you’ll be able to block your fear so you can move toward your dream life.

Step 7 – Gratitude, and Being a Person of Increase
In this step, by practicing gratitude as often as you remember, you’ll begin to allow more positive energy in your life. This positive energy will then manifest in your life as the results identified in your visions.

Step 8 – Practicing Forgiveness
In this step, you’ll learn exactly how to practice forgiveness for yourself, so you can then direct all of your life energy into successfully building your visions.

Step 9 – Using Your Intuition
In this step, you’ll learn how to use your intuition to get in harmony with the frequency of the life you would love to live and once you do, then the answers you seek will be revealed.

Step 10 – Building a Bigger Believing
In this step, you’ll learn how to build a bigger believing that’s in harmony with the vision you have for your life by joining with ‘partners in believing’ like your Coach to support you on your way forward

Step 11 – Overcoming ‘Failure’
In this step, you’ll learn how to greet, meet and overcome ‘failure’ and take your perceived failures and turn them into feedback, so you can use those experiences to propel yourself toward your vision.

Step 12 – Harvesting Your Vision
In this final step, you’ll learn why the journey to get to your ‘dream’ life is actually the best gift of the whole process.

Now that you’ve achieved this for one area of your life you can move on to the next
How you can achieve the life you would love to live?
How to become the person you would really love to be?
How to get what you really want in life?