Foundation 3

Foundation 3 150 150 Ben Coker

Lesson 3

Who and Why?



One of the questions most people ask themselves on one occasion or another is “Who am I?” and “Why am I here?” – “what is the ‘meaning of life’ – what is the answer to the “ultimate question of Life the Universe and Everything”? Well, surprisingly perhaps, Douglas Adams in ‘The Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy’ was absolutely right. The answer is 42!

What most people didn’t know is that in computer programming code of the time ‘42’ was code for ‘whatever you want it to be’, which both does and doesn’t answer the question. You and I are whoever we want to be, and you and I are here for whatever reason we want to be.

In spiritual writing of old there are many references to ‘the Way‘. What is ‘the Way’ d how is it different from a purpose, vision or dream? The Way is something much bigger which we’ll explore on our journey.

Knowing who we are and why we are here is and isn’t a starting point. The answers to these questions will develop and change throughout your journey. You will change your mind as you come to understand more of what ‘life’ is all about. It’s really important you remain open to this rather than retaining a fixed mindset on your personal ‘who’ and ‘why’. You’ll not progress if you insist on holding on to specific initial parameters.

The purpose of the Freedom Academy – our mission – is to help you discover who you really are and why you are really here on those terms. We are different; everyone has their own reasons for being, but most people have no idea what they are. The Freedom Academy and Life Mastery will help you discover your Way and your Purpose.