Lesson 5
Thought – Form – Truth – Reality
Thought & Form
“Everything is created twice”, “What a man can conceive and believe he can achieve”. The latter statement was written by Napoleon Hill in his book ‘Think and Grow Rich’ in the first part of the 20th century, hence the language used. There have been many other people who have made similar statements. The concept appears in most versions of the Christian Bible, the Qur’an and in the works of Buddha among many others. I think it’s really summed up by Mary Morrissey in the first statement given here, Dr Wayne W Dyer also wrote about thought and form, all about the concept of turning thought into physicality or some other form of reality.
In order for anything to be created, at least in the human context, it has to be ’thought of’ first which is the first creative process. Someone will have a thought about the design of a beach umbrella and how it works and can be manufactured. Someone will have a thought about where to plant the trees and other plants in a garden and what planting to choose. Everything has to be thought about before it can be brought into existence. Where this inspiration comes from is another matter. It’s part of our spiritual makeup beyond the fourth dimension where the thinking takes place.
The next step of course is to ‘make it happen’, the second creative process. But it doesn’t always follow. You and I have had many ideas and plans which have never been carried out because the second creative process requires action. it requires things to be done and there are multitude of reasons why we don’t follow through on ideas and inspirations. Hill points this up using the word ‘can’ to qualify ‘achieve’ rather than the word ‘will’. You and I cannot create or manifest something out of nothing. We’d like to think we can, but it’s just not possible to magically transform thought energy into form energy without taking action, without having a system and a process to effect this transformation.
As we’ve seen everything is energy and everything is a result of transforming or trans -forming energy from one form or state to another. Sometimes this is a natural transition and other times the energy transformation has to be engineered. We’ve covered some of this in a previous course on the relationship between freedom and the disciplines of science, technology and engineering. Just to emphasise what was explained there we come back to the basics. Everything, every thing, is energy which in itself has infinite forms and all we ‘do’ on every level from the machinations of the bacteria which live in our gut to exploring the moon can only happen through the transformation of one thing into another driven by conscious or unconscious thought.
Truth & Reality
What is ‘true’ and what is ‘real’. It depends. Douglas Adams in the ‘Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy’ identified the answer to ‘life the universe and everything’ as 42 which in computer code in use at the time was shorthand for ‘whatever you want it to be’. The same holds for the answer to truth and reality. The truth is whatever you and I hold to be true and the same holds for reality – whatever you and I perceive to be ‘real’.
This begs the question “but is there a ‘real’ truth and a ‘real’ reality? It’s a question which has been keeping philosophers in business for millennia. Consider this; you were sitting opposite someone in a restaurant, the reality you see is not the same as the reality they see and it’s not the same as the reality the waiter serving you sees either. We all inhabit separate realities, maybe separate ‘universes’. We all have different interpretations of the universe and immediately around us.
This is why we are sometimes ‘unbalanced’ when we see photographs and videos of ourselves or hear recordings of our voice. What we see is different from our reflection and what we hear is different from our internal voice – but it’s all ‘real’. There’s a scene in the last Harry Potter movie where Harry asks Dumbledore if the experience he is having is real or just going on in his head. “Of course it’s all going on in in your head, but that doesn’t mean it’s not real” is the reply.
There is no definitive reality except everything is energy and whatever form it takes is real because perhaps only energy itself is really real.
Truth is a somewhat different matter. In an earlier course we discussed belief and faith. Truth is largely a function of belief. What you or I believe is, as far as we’re concerned true, even though other people may have other beliefs and hold those to be true.
Truth arising from belief has been the original source of conflict between people and peoples throughout the time we’ve inhabited this planet. You and I decide on truths for ourselves, but the decision may be strongly influenced by those around us and people often choose to align their beliefs and their truths with those with whom they are in immediate contact in order to fit it rather than be outcast. We often take on the beliefs and truths of our local culture and society as if we don’t we’re considered weird or odd and generally to be avoided.
In the next level will consider this more and discuss what we can do to find our own personal freedom of truth and reality – our own Way.