Funding Freedom Part 4

Funding Freedom Part 4 150 150 Ben Coker

Funding Your Freedom

Part 4 – Maintaining your Wealth



You’ve created the right mix of resources you need for your life right now and built it to achieve the next level you have chosen. So how do you maintain it while you are working towards your current goal?

By maintaining our wealth, we mean, bearing in mind it’s a mix of resources, keeping it in balance, at the right levels, in the right measure, and if necessary, building further while we are using our wealth, our resource, in working our plan to achieve our goals.

The key here is ‘measure’. As we go through our daily life, we need to keep track of what we are doing rather than just ‘going with the flow’ conducting random activities ‘here and there’. We need to follow a plan, but it doesn’t need to be too rigid unless of course our goal is to complete a formal project of some sort.

Much of this is covered in practical detail when you reach the Transformation stage but the basic ‘rule’, like the domain balancing process we learned in Four by Forward is to work out a ‘method of operation’ (MO) otherwise known as a ‘modus operandi’.

Depending on the situation this can be daily weekly or monthly and more intricate goals and plans will require more frequent monitoring and measuring of resource use and movement towards the goal. Look at what you do every day (or week, or month). What resources have you used or transformed? Do you need to create more, or do you have a surplus you can use or transform into something else?

We’ll not go into the details at this stage, that’s for later, but get uses to the idea of, as they used to put it ‘husbanding your resources’. Knowing what you have, what you need and what you can divert. Not managing your wealth may lead you to ‘running out’ of something and this will hold you back, not just in one, but in all your current endeavours.