Into Your Genius
Welcome to the Into Your Genius Programme by Mary Morrissey & Bob Proctor
Into Your Genius Coaching
This coaching is an integral part of the Into Your Genius Programme by Mary Morrissey and Bob Proctor, part of the ‘Brave Thinking’ programme series. Delivery of this coaching will be by a Brave Thinking Institute certified Life Mastery Consultant.
Into Your Genius is a six week commitment with weekly 1 hour coaching sessions following 1-2 hours work using the worksheets and audios provided. The coaching, however, is probably the most important and useful element of the exercise.
Payment for this programme is normally taken prior to start of the programme.
For further information please book a Discovery Call
Are you certain that you are meant to live a different life but do not know what step to take next? Are you feeling a bit lost? Unsure of where to go next?
You can relax and take a deep breath, because you are in the right place. You are not alone, these are very common feelings, and the answers to your questions are closer than you think. In this program, Mary Morrissey and Bob Proctor show you how you already have, within you, everything you need to create everything you could ever want.
Module 1 – Imagination
Your Imagination is possibly the most potent faculty you possess because without this gift, nothing is possible; with it, anything is possible. Most people know about their Imagination, but they completely underestimate its power to transform their life.
In this first audio lesson, Mary and Bob will help you discover how to understand and harness your Imagination in ways that will always serve your highest goals and desires. Through fully learning this first faculty, you will realize that you have the ability to dream up exactly the life you’d love to live.
Module 2 – Intuition
Your second gift is your Intuition, which is like an internal guidance system for your life. It is one of the most important mental faculties because it speaks to you at a spiritual level.
Through it you have the ability to receive inspired insight because it’s strongly connected to the realm of infinite consciousness, intelligence, and awareness.
It can be a bit elusive though, so Bob and Mary will reveal how to nurture and refine this precious gift so that it can support, empower, and transform you.
Module 3 – Will
There is much to learn when it comes to your third gift, The Will, which is completely different than willpower.
Willpower is inconsistent and forceful, while your Will is used calmly and confidently. Your Will is the ability to hold an image in your mind because you love it.
Concentrating on the good you desire allows the image to sink into your subconscious mind, which is where your true power resides. In this session, Bob and Mary will shine the light of awareness on this powerful mental faculty and show you how to fully utilize it to create amazing results in your life.
Module 4 – Memory
This next gift is one that you use almost every day of your life – your Memory.
Most people believe that it is out of their control and that they either have a good memory or a bad memory. Would it surprise you to know that everyone has a perfect memory?
According to Bob Proctor, the only difference is that some people develop theirs consciously and others don’t! In this lesson, Bob and Mary will help you learn how to manage and develop this gift, so you can properly utilize it to achieve extraordinary results.
Module 5 – Reason
Your fifth gift is your Reason and it has magnificent power to change your life.
Using the right reason is often illogical because logic is based on current circumstances and can only produce more of the same results. It is right reasoning that is the highest function that you’re capable of because it is based on your infinite potential.
In this lesson, you will learn how to use your reason in the right way by building your life based on the statement, “You become what you think about.”
Module 6 – Perception
Whether you realize it or not, you are actively using the sixth mental faculty every moment of every day. The sixth mental faculty is your Perception.
Its true power is so subtle that once you understand it, you will wonder how you’ve lived your life up until now without this awareness.
By discovering how to shift the way you use your Perception, you will be able to turn overwhelming challenges into insignificant road bumps on the path towards your dream. You will feel as if you just stepped into a completely different realm of possibilities for yourself and your life.