LBW Congratulations

LBW Congratulations 150 150 Ben Coker

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What can I expect from the call?

On the call we’ll discuss where you are now and what ideas you may have for the next phase of your life. We’ll talk about what plans you may already have and any arrangements you may have made.  We’ll also discuss the concerns you’ll have about what is one of the biggest changes about to happen in your life and how I can guide and support you on the journey.

2. How do you usually work with clients?

The main goal of my coaching programmes is to help you gain a clear idea of where you’re going in terms of who you want to be, what you want to do in your life and what you wish to achieve in terms of your lifestyle including what you want to ‘have’.

First, we’ll explore how you arrived where you are now. Understanding your journey is crucial in the process of going from where you are now to where you want to be and establishing a clear goal set.

Then, we’ll explore why you want this. This is the foundation we’ll build upon. I’m here to understand your ‘why’ without any judgment, valuing where you are now.

The third and sometimes most detailed stage is what I call the ‘sat-nav’ or bridging process. The route map of the actions which need to be taken to achieve your first and subsequent goals.

My coaching technique involves some learning by the client, a workbook or series of worksheets and a one hour (ish) weekly coaching session on zoom (or where possible in person). The amount of time you’ll need to devote per week can be up to five hours including the coaching meeting. It won’t ‘work’ if you don’t do this and the results you’re looking for just won’t happen unless you take the actions needed.

3. Who is Ben Coker ?

In the late 60’s I left University with a degree for which, at the time, there was no clear career path. I did some concert promotion and through this found a niche in the market not being served, so set up and operated a in printing and publishing business until I recognised the threat presented by desktop printers starting to appear.

I sold the business and retrained in systems analysis and project management working for major UK companies in food and IT until redundancy (due to technology changes) when I went into project and information management consulting with my own company. In 2007, tired of excessive commuting, I retired from this and developed a successful network marketing career to which I lost access on my divorce.

I trained as a life coach (in the USA) and in related disciplines and founded The Freedom Academy in 2016.

My mission is to help people entering the third part of their lives who want to create a new significance and personal freedom with new adventures and experiences rather than just fading into the background.

Congratulations for taking your first step towards life beyond work. You are approaching what can be the most fulfilling, enjoyable and significant part of your life because, possibly, at last and maybe for the first time, it’s all about YOU.