LBW Plan A

LBW Plan A 150 150 Ben Coker

How to Escape from Plan A

In my grandparents’ time men weren’t looking to live much beyond 70. This may have had something to do with wars, but the pattern of life (and in those days most women didn’t work in paid employment) was a short few years after ‘retiring’ from working for someone else. The meaning of ‘life after work’ was thus fairly minimal, usually consisting of ‘waiting for God’.

The plan of life was, and to some extent still is, ‘Plan A’ – get through childhood – get a ‘qualification’ – get a job or hopefully a career working for someone else (whether that be as a construction worker or a surgeon) – usually get married and have children – then retire, fill in a few years not doing much and pass on to the next life.

70 or so years ago there really was no provision for ‘life after work’ and in effect in most situations there still isn’t. But life after work is no longer just a few years. Now it’s at least 30 and the time span is getting longer. Soon ‘retirement’ will go on for 40 years of active life – as long as the time spent working, so we need to do to do something about it.

The Third Age

This ‘third age’ has the potential to be by far the most meaningful, fruitful and fulfilling part of our lives. It would be shame if we spent it on trivia or ended up doing little or nothing with it. The trouble is society doesn’t cater for this stage of life at all. Sure the state may provide some sort of pension to cover the basic life needs, but there is no real ‘space’ in any culture, as they focus on the young, preparing them for work, and those between 25 and 60 who are considered to be of ‘productive’ age. One way or another those of us who have retired, or are about to, have to find our own way.

There is a way forward and I know what it is. If you don’t have a robust and clear plan and like most people just have a vague idea what you’re going to do, then let’s talk and I’ll show you the way to make life after work better than you may have dreamed it could be.