Making it Happen Part 2

Making it Happen Part 2 150 150 Ben Coker

Making it Happen

Part 2 – Managing Change



Managing change is about understanding and managing or controlling the sequence of events we go through during a period of change. It’s not unlike a journey – we start in one place and end up in another but how we get from one to the other is different because sometimes its not clear what the outcome of the change is going to be.

In this situation the changes are happening as a result of your personal mental and spiritual growth. It’s your outlook on people and things which is changing or going to change, not the people and things themselves. You are not (necessarily) making physical changes – the changes are ‘in’ yourself.

Don’t be surprised if people you know say “you’ve changed”. Change is the whole period of transformation. We can’t transform ourselves without changing and you and I change all the time, just look back through old photos or work you’ve done in the past, maybe old CVs you’ve written.

We change through the natural course of things, but this is different. In this transformation we do become different people, 5th, rather than 4th dimensional and people ‘above’ and ‘below’ you on the Hawkins scale will notice. Some will decide you’re no longer ‘one of them, others will welcome you with open arms and open hearts. Don’t be surprised, it will happen.

To manage all of this you and I need to get some idea or expectation of when the changes in us might become apparent and we need to develop some points of reference we can use to measure and predict what’s going to happen and also to ensure we are on track towards the particular transformation or state of change we are looking for. The first of these is to establish a set of Core Values.