Making it Happen Part 7

Making it Happen Part 7 150 150 Ben Coker

Making it Happen

Part 7 – Partners in Believing



You are not alone. There are thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of people on the planet going through the same things as you and I. You may meet some in the Freedom Academy but larger live events like Mary Morrissey’s ‘Dreambuilder Live’ or Bob Proctor’s ‘Paradigm Shift’ or ‘Matrixx’ events are amazing for meeting like minded people ‘on your wavelength’ who could become one of a few ‘Partners in Believing’.

People who know what you are talking about and understand the idea of transformation to life mastery. Most of these events are in North America and relatively expensive but there are events in the UK run by Phil Olley or Peter Thomson and others in Europe run by one or two Brave Thinking Institute certifi9ed coaches, plus of course those which the Freedom Academy itself will operate in the near future.

So, what do you and your ‘partners in believing’ do? First and foremost, we support and inspire each other and also coach and mentor each other as needed. Our partners in believing are often the first people we turn to when things get difficult or we run across something unexpected.

We work together, hold joint events relevant to what we do personally and get together occasionally or on a regular basis in Mastermind groups of between four and eight where we discuss specific issues or general philosophical topics.

Using the technology with which we have all become familiar these groups can be global. I’ve been in one where members were in Toronto, the UK, Buenos Aires and Brisbane – the time zones take a bit of handling, but they were very enjoyable and useful for all of us.

The Academy will facilitate mastermind groups from time to time for members and these will be announced in the Interaction zone, meanwhile the ‘instructions’ on how to operate a mastermind group are available in the Resources section.