Practical Philosophy Part 3

Practical Philosophy Part 3 150 150 Ben Coker

Practical Philosophy

Part 3 – Healing



Science, and especially medical science doesn’t have all the answers, even though they think they do. You and I have amazing healing powers, it’s just we’ve lost or more accurately ‘forgotten’ how to use them. There are several types of ‘non-medical’ or ‘alternative’ healing which the ‘scientific medical profession’ insists do not exist or do not work. Their view is if it’s not been ‘scientifically proven’ it doesn’t exist and if they cannot ‘scientifically’ figure out how it works then it doesn’t work and should not be resorted to or entertained by ‘rational’ people. On top of that they unfoundedly warn that it is, or ‘might be’, harmful.

However, we know these powers and techniques do exist and are demonstrably and effectively practised by a multitude of healers and therapists and have been so for centuries including ‘biblical’ times. We’’ look at some of the main therapies next, but first, what is ‘healing’?

We’ve used a simple criterion to separate the two.

Healing is essentially passive; the patient is treated by the healer and doesn’t take an active part. Some, like Osteopathy, are manipulative and this might include thinks like Acupuncture and Kinesthesiology, where there is usually direct contact with the body.

The other category of healing are various forms of ‘energy healing’ which may or may not involve direct body contact. The most well known of these is probably Reiki healing of which there are various forms, but all involve the healer actively channelling energy through themselves from Source through careful placing of hands on or just above the patient’s body and allowing the energy to flow through them in to the patient. Included in energy healing are Chakra healing and balancing, possibly combined with Crystal healing.

These methods are covered in greater detail by specialists elsewhere in the Academy.