Practical Philosophy
Part 8 – Ho’oponopono
The Ho’oponopono technique developed from ancient Hawaiian ritual by Dr Ihaleakala Hew Len and Joe Vitale is a process of ‘cleaning’ the subconscious mind of redundant ‘memories’, paradigms, data, ideas, and beliefs which are inhibiting the higher good and communication with Source.
Unlike all other therapies the ‘subject’ does not need to be aware of this process being carried out and is perhaps the one thing that you can ‘do’ to help someone else.
It’s done remotely by the practitioner based on information you provide in a preliminary consultation immediately prior to the work being carried out together with a photograph of the ‘subject’ to assist with focus.
Usually it can take around 90 days during which the practitioner will be ‘cleaning on’ the subject on a daily basis, but may take less or more time for noticeable results to manifest.
As well as treating a subject’s general condition, Ho’oponopono can also be used for specific conditions or circumstances, for example if you or someone else is nervous about an upcoming event or change.
Ho’oponopono addresses energy holistically and can be used to ‘clean’ not only the participants but also the ‘fabric’ of a place where an event is to occur to ensure all elements involved are in harmony and if necessary make alterations. Some rooms or buildings, for example, do not ‘like’ too much electromagnetic energy within them and this applies both to modern and ancient buildings. It usually takes less than 30 minutes for a practitioner to ‘assess’ any such situation if they are present, longer if done remotely.
Ho’oponopono is one of very few modalities which can be performed without the knowledge of the subject. It is fully described and explained in the book by Dr Vitale and Dr Len ‘Zero Limits’ and to become a practitioner Joe Vitale provides an online programme at primary and advanced levels.