Taking it Forward Part 1

Taking it Forward Part 1 150 150 Ben Coker

Taking it Forward

Part 1 – The Essentials of Life Mastery



Once you’ve defined your purposes, your visions, your goals and plans there are three essentials you need to ensure you achieve what you seek. These are first CLARITY, second FOCUS and third COMMITMENT or persistence and perseverance. Added to these are the ‘keys to freedom’ you’ll have discovered earlier.

If you don’t have absolute clarity at the level you’re operating whether that be an activity, a plan, a goal or your vision and purpose you will not succeed because lack of clarity leads to resistance which will slow you down or push you off course.

To maintain clarity you need focus, focus on the clarity of the activity, plan, goal or vision you are working on. It’s all about knowing, understanding and being aware of whatever it is you are doing now, not what you intend to do next, or what you would like to do when you go on holiday next week.

This is not about becoming obsessive or fixated, it’s really about concentration but that doesn’t mean there can’t be other things going on around you and your also being aware of them. J K Rowling wrote the majority of the Harry Potter novels sitting in a café rather than in a silent library or study. It seems to help maintain focus when there is other ‘stuff’ going on around you. It creates a higher level of energy which you naturally absorb in your activity.

It also helps to work in short bursts where you can and take short breaks, so you might work for 45 minutes, take a 15 minute break and continue until you naturally come to a halt. Don’t go on with what you’re doing though when you ‘lose it’; I mean by this when you lose the inspiration to do what you are doing, not when you lose commitment to your task or quest.

To achieve what you and I seek we must be fully committed to the vision and sometimes when we do begin to flag we may have to persevere with a task instead of switching to something else. Also, when what you are doing depends on some input or response from others you will need to get with your commitment to your vision and persist in your dealings with them.

Adherence to these three ‘prime directives’ will ensure you maintain progress and momentum in your vision project. But there are some other things you need to do to maintain this adherence.