Working With The Law
Welcome to Working With The Law by Mary Morrissey & Bob Proctor
Working with the Law Coaching
This coaching is an integral part of the Working With The Law Programme by Mary Morrissey & Bob Proctor, part of the ‘Brave Thinking’ programme series. Delivery of this coaching will be by a Brave Thinking Institute certified Life Mastery Consultant.
Working with the Law is a 12 part programme done over a timescale agreed with your coach. It entails 2-3 hours work using the workbooks which you’ll find at the end of each transcript and audios provided and a coaching session of up to 1 hour. The coaching, is probably the most important and useful element of the exercise.
Payment for this programme is normally taken in six monthly instalments starting at the beginning of week one and should be made direct to your Life Mastery Consultant who will provide you with the passwords you need to access the course.
For further information please book a Discovery Call
The Law of Supply
God did not intend for us to be forever satisfied. You are always seeking more and the law of your being is perpetual increase, progress and growth. When one good is realized, another desire for a greater good will develop; and when a higher state is reached, another more glorious state will unfold his vision and urge him even on higher. Hence, the advancing life is the true life, the life that God intended man to live.
Science and logic both agree that the universe is filled with the essential substance for every imaginable good that man can envision, and you’re entitled to a full and ever-increasing supply of any and every good you may need or desire. There is enough abundance for everyone and you deserve every part of it! This is the essence of the Law of Supply.
The Law of Attraction
The Law of Attraction basically breaks down to – you attract what you give energy to. When it comes to the Law of Attraction, it does no good to desire something unless you truly expect it will happen – either in part or in full. That is just dreaming – if you are manifesting, you must desire it AND expect it. This can best be described like the pull of gravity. The expectation is pulling the desire to become a reality in your life.
The Law of Receiving
The Law of Receiving basically states that as you become in harmony with this Law, there is a good that makes itself available and known to you that cannot be contained. No matter how big a container you bring, it is always bigger. You’re dealing with the infinite and you cannot contain the good that is seeking you. The more you give, the more you will receive.
The Law of Increase
The Law of Increase could actually be called the Law of Praise, because whatever you praise grows. This applies to self-confidence, money, even plants. That is the main focus of the study of this Law. We all want increase – whatever we praise will increase. The understanding that whatever you praise will increase enables you to be in harmony with the Law more clearly, in a more amplified way. When you use this, you stimulate your good and bring about everything that is required to live the life you want to live –a life that is fulfilling and difference making.
The Law of Compensation
Understanding the Law of Compensation can truly be the key to all the dreams you’ve ever had, because this law helps you understand who you really are. Your sense of identity and your self-image opens the door to the Law of Compensation’s power in your life, in every area—in your financial affairs, in your relationships, in your quality of your aliveness, your health, your options, your freedom and your fulfillment. Everything comes to you by Law and in order to receive, you must be in harmony with it.
Earl Nightingale explained the Law of Compensation this way – “the amount of money you earn is always going to be in exact ratio to the need for what you do, your ability to do it and the difficulty there is in replacing you.” Let’s talk about getting into harmony with the Law of Compensation in your life.
The Law of Non-Resistance
The Law of Non-Resistance requires you to notice when you are holding thoughts that actually resist the greater good that would flow naturally into your life. When you study and work to become in harmony with this law, you learn to release the resistance you have to the good that is ours by our birthright. Seems simple enough, right? Well, with study, repetition and understanding it can be simple.
During this study, you will learn how to release paradigms and thought patterns and live a life in harmony with the Law of Non-Resistance.
The Law of Forgiveness
Many of us have our own definition of what forgiveness is, but it really just means to let go of completely. The book, “A Course in Miracles” by Helen Schucman describes it as “Forgiveness is a shift in perception that removes a block in me, to my awareness of love’s presence.” Now, it’s not necessarily easy to shift your perception when someone has done something mean to you or abuses your trust – but it is worth it.
To forgive takes an evolving person. It takes a big person and the fact that you are raising your consciousness and awareness means you are ready to become a forgiving person. All religions practice forgiveness. It doesn’t make a difference what faith you follow, the Law of Forgiveness is universal. The quality of forgiveness must be as limitless as faith and hope and love. If you aren’t able to forgive you will remain blocked in your path to success.
The Law of Sacrifice
The Law of Sacrifice is about creating an image of what is possible, that will then create a feeling inside of you to move forward to achieving that image. In order to achieve that image you will have to give something up of a lower vibration in order to achieve what you want on a higher vibration. You may have a negative feeling when you hear the word “sacrifice” because you think that it means going without. Nothing could be further from the truth. It does mean going without – but it means going without something of a lower level to get to the higher level. It might mean less television to free up more time to work on your business in order to achieve greater financial success. Sacrifice and discipline work together in this Law.
The Law of Obedience
The word obedience has different meanings for different people but for the purpose of this lesson we are talking about learning, understanding and living our lives according to the Laws.
When you gain a deeper understanding of the Laws, you will have a great respect for them and become naturally obedient to them, not out of fear, but because you know that wonderful things will happen and grow in your life. These Laws you are studying are divine Laws, these are the Laws of Life.
The Law of Success
God intended every single one of us to succeed. His purpose and will is that we all become great – and that includes YOU! We are born to be rich and successful. Every one of us has been given a complete set of faculties, which if properly developed and applied, will ensure success. By understanding and working with this Law, you will become a greater and greater success. Infinite resources are at your disposal. There are no limits to your possibilities. Nothing is impossible.
Every mind can develop greatness. It’s simply a matter of knowing how. Success is within the reach of every person who wants it. All you need is to gain a right understanding of the principles and laws upon which success is based and then to apply the right methods of operating these laws until success is earned.