Vision Power

A Foundation for Building Your Personal Freedom


VisionPower is a twelve-part personal freedom foundation programme which draws on the ‘best bits’ of other programmes and thanks are due in the creation of this programme to Peter Thomson, Joe Vitale, Natalie Ledwell, Mary Morrissey, Andrrea Hess, Marisa Peer, Phil Olley and Bob Proctor. The programme consists of 9 workbooks with audio guides each followed by a coaching session with a qualified Freedom Academy Coach.

The programme lasts nine weeks depending on the time you can devote and the speed at which you progress. Each workbook is designed to involve 90 minutes reading and writing plus some hours thinking about the content and the questions over a period of a few days. Although you could complete the workbooks in a few hours each such an approach is not recommended as some of the activities require you to ‘sleep on it’ for best results. We also recommend you take a two-day break between workbooks, each of which are followed by a personal coaching session lasting an hour on average.

Workbook 1

In this Workbook you’ll ‘set up your journey’ by identifying where you are now, where you want to go in life and what might impede you on the way

Workbook 2

In this Workbook you’ll ‘learn about the four domains of your life and create and clarify the vision of the life you would love to live in each one

Workbook 3

In this Workbook you’ll consolidate your vision and test it against your core values, and commit to yourself to do what needs to be done.

Workbook 4

In this Workbook you’ll learn about the different types of ‘goals’ and ‘intentions’ and set clear goals and intentions for each area of your vision

Workbook 5

In this Workbook you’ll grow your understanding of ‘how things work’ and how you might adjust your mindset to the new knowledge

Workbook 6

In this Workbook you’ll consider how you’re going to maintain and monitor your progress towards realising your vision

Workbook 7

In this Workbook you’ll look at what might ‘hold you back’ and how you might deal with challenges along the way

Workbook 8

In this Workbook you’ll consider the resources you’ll need to ‘fund’ your vision and how you can acquire them

Workbook 9

In this Workbook you’ll create a timeline and a ‘roadmap’ and identify the key activities you’ll need to undertake

Workbook 10

Workbook 11

Workbook 12