7P Part 1

7P Part 1 150 150 Ben Coker

7 Pillars of Freedom

Part 1 – The Continuum



Understanding the Continuum helps you manage what you do in relation to the levels of energy vibration involved, helps you progress to higher levels of understanding, awareness, clarity and being. Helps you manage the matrix you inhabit. How energy and space works to co-create the whole fabric of the Universe including you and what it means for your life in this existence.

The study of particle physics is beginning to reveal to those who need ‘proof (see Pillar 3) there is no such thing as matter. ‘String Theory’ pioneered by Prof Stephen Hawking postulates everything is a ‘wave’ or vibration, or in other words as many including Einstein have already realised, everything is energy, or more accurately perhaps, every thing is energy, as are the ‘forms’ of energy – heat, light, electricity, colour, radio, radiation and so on.

ALL is energy, vibrating at different frequencies and wavelengths in different patterns. ‘Things’ or matter are formed through a specific pattern of energy. Matter is made up of ‘atoms’ which are energetic forms made up of ‘sub-atomic’ energetic forms. Matter exhibits different states, solid, liquid, gas, according to the level of vibration of the energy frameworks of which it consists.

We call this pillar ‘the continuum’ because another principle of energy is that everything is ‘joined up. Everything must be connected because all is energy and there is nothing else. There are no ‘spaces’ in between. We think of ‘space’ or ‘outer space’ as a void where there is nothing. True, there is no thing there we can recognise as ‘matter’ but that doesn’t mean to say there is no energy there. There is, connecting one piece of matter floating in space with the next.

There may be no recognisable energy in the form of solid, liquid or gas but radiation energy flows through space. We can see light, we can detect radiation and radio waves and so on, and there may be other energy forms we, as beings focussed on the third dimension, don’t recognise as existing.

Energy cannot be created or destroyed, used up, lost or generated. It can only be transformed, changed from one form to another. Energy will not and can never ‘run out’. It’s just how we perceive some aspects of it. It can move, it can changed or be transformed, but it cannot, cannot, decrease or increase, even though it may seem to when people attempt, entirely unnecessarily, to ‘explain’ it in three dimensional terms.


This brings us to the idea of ‘infinity’ and what we mean by ‘infinite’ and correspondingly to the concept of ‘uniqueness’. These are grossly misunderstood and misused words. Infinite is infinite is infinite. There is no ‘beyond’ infinity. There is no end to it and there is no beginning. All is energy and energy is infinite. All is the Universe, and the Universe is infinite. The words are synonymous. There is no ‘other’ universe ‘beyond’ this and there are no ‘alternative’ universes except as explained in pilar 6. The Universe, which is everything, and every no-thing, is energy – there are no ‘boundaries’ or edges, it just goes on, it just IS.

This is difficult to understand or accept in the third dimensional terms humans are preoccupied with. It has no length, breadth or depth, neither has it any place for the concept of time, no ‘beginning’, no ‘end’, and certainly no ‘linearity’ (more in pillar 4).

Finally, every thing, every energy ‘form’ is unique. There is no ‘very unique’ or ‘almost unique’, every single thing is unique. Two pieces of matter may look ‘identical’ but even if they are and have been manufactured in the same way from the same components (other matter forms of energy) they are still unique. They may look and ‘be’ the same, but they are always in different ‘places’. Anything occupying a specific space in the infinite continuum of energy (the Universe) is unique. Otherwise, if they occupied exactly the same space, they would be the same thing – only one of them.

This leads us further into the idea that as there is only ‘one’ Universe and we and every other formation of energy are part of that Universe, part of the continuum of energy, there is, as Neale Donald Walsch explains in his books ‘Conversations with God’, only one of us. Every separate unique ‘thing’, every individual energy form is an ‘individuated’ part or element of the infinite Universe. You’ll discover more as we go through the Development stage of the Academy.