7 Pillars of Freedom
Part 2 – The Dimensions
Understanding the Dimensions helps you understand and respond to what is going on around you through understanding of the energetic flow. We are infinite multidimensional beings inhabiting a third dimensional framework to which we need to relate. This pillar explains how we also interact from our fourth dimensional connection with the fifth, sixth and higher dimensions and again what this means for your life.
What are the Dimensions?
First of all, a ‘dimension’ is just a concept. It helps us to understand the Universe and how it ‘works’ – dimensions as such don’t really ‘exist’ in their own right.
We’re all familiar with the ‘three dimensions’ of length, height, and depth – but what do they represent?
Most people think they understand this and we all know what a ‘three dimensional ‘object’ looks like so let’s start there and work downwards.
The 3rd Dimension symbolises our physical existence and the existence of all the objects we deal with. Everything has a certain ‘size’ and ‘shape’ although these can vary according to the measuring system used.
A three-dimensional object or ‘piece’ of matter is an expression of energy in the third dimension. It appears as a ‘thing’, tangible or otherwise depending on size, a molecule or atom is still three dimensional even though it’s impossible to ‘see’ without artificial enlargement through another three-dimensional device. The third dimension is ‘where’ we as humans, live. We are infinite beings inhabiting a physical, three-dimensional, life form. You and I are not just human ‘animals’ – as you will learn there’s much more to us than that.
The 2nd Dimension has only length and height – it is ‘flat’ and most people would consider a picture or drawing to be two dimensional.
If, however, the image is on a canvas or a sheet of paper it becomes a three-dimensional object as the medium on which it appears has depth – it’s only the image itself that is two dimensional.
Despite being essentially three dimensional in form we have also become used to experiencing ‘life’ in two dimensions through video screens, essentially light projected on or through a thin three-dimensional plane. The images we see are two dimensional and we have been very innovative in using these techniques of light energy projection whether they be digital as on a TV or computer screen or analogue on a cinema screen, to communicate, learn and be entertained.
It is being noticed this activity is more draining on our personal energy in several ways as we learn to compensate for this un-natural interface. You and I are not designed to interact in two dimensions. Sound, as opposed to vision by the way is three dimensional and many people find it easier to dispense with the visual input and just listen.
OK, that’s the easy bit – but what about the 1st Dimension?
The 1st Dimension is just a ‘point’ – an infinitesimally small point – in fact it cannot have any ‘size’ otherwise it would be two-dimensional.
ut every two-dimensional or three-dimensional ‘thing’ is made up of an infinite number of ‘points’. The one-dimensional points ‘exist’ but they cannot individually be ‘seen’.
The nearest example is the two-dimensional image on your computer screen made up of millions of pixels. In most cases you can’t see the individual pixels, but they aren’t one-dimensional because they too, have a size.
This takes some getting hold of but neither the second nor third dimensions could exist without the first. The first dimension is in a way theoretical. It helps us understand the infinity of the Universe and has been equated to ‘alpha’ or ‘the beginning’ and only existed ‘when’ the Universe began or if you prefer was created. In the same vein ‘when’ the Universe ‘ends’ at the 10th dimension – ‘omega’ it returns to a one-dimensional entity and starts again. The 10th and 1st dimensions could be the same, but they are not of practical concern when it come to our personal growth, transformation and Way. After all the Universe or energy has no beginning and no end so the first and tenth dimension are irrelevant except in that they ‘close the circle’.
Now let’s look in the other direction, which is where it starts to get even more confusing.
The 4th Dimension has been described in two ways (and several more from time to time).
Einstein originally considered the 4th dimension to be time but later as ‘space-time’ and then the ‘space-time continuum’ because every three dimensional ‘thing’ can only exist in space and at a given time. If it were not for the fourth dimension the other dimensions would have nowhere to actually ‘be’ and therefore could not ‘exist’. It seems this logic was not taking him to a conclusion about the 4th dimension as he couldn’t reconcile it with the concept of every thing being energy. The concept of time is discussed elsewhere.
There are probably as many mathematical definitions of the fourth dimension as there are theoretical mathematicians, but let’s consider the meaning of this.
The 4th Dimension is also seen as ‘awareness’, ‘consciousness’ or ‘thought’. Now coming back to the three-dimensional object – how do you and I ‘know’ that the object is ‘there’, unless we are actually in the fourth dimension observing it?
You and I exist as three-dimensional beings with a fourth dimensional aspect – awareness of ourselves in space and time, which themselves are artificial constructs. As there is no space and no time and everything is energy, the fourth dimension is the first level of what we might call ‘thought energy’ – how we perceive what we observe (see, hear, smell, touch, taste etc) in the third dimension.
Some have argued the third dimension doesn’t exist – ‘it’s all in the mind’ – but if we pursue that theory we have to come to the conclusion we don’t exist either – which of course may be true. The 4th Dimension is primarily where we perceive and react to the third as you will perhaps have gathered from looking at the Hawkins Scale of Consciousness previously. The 4th Dimension is the domain of the mind as the 3rd is the domain of the body.
The 5th Dimension is the first domain of spirituality and like the mind in the fourth dimension is engaged with the third but in a different way. As we develop spirituality we move from knowledge and awareness of our third dimensional surroundings to greater understanding of what is ‘going on’ and how we can influence and shape it – not mechanically but spiritually. How you and I can move beyond the third dimensional life towards the next, sixth dimensional existence.
The fifth dimension is all about the feelings described in the ‘power’ zone of Hawkins’ chart and is where we start to access the ‘superpowers’ we have forgotten in our focus on what we can do in and with the third dimension.
Entering the 5th Dimension, we go through a gateway of understanding which takes us to a ‘higher level’ and gives us access to energetic healing techniques of all types and glimpses into the next sixth dimensional Soul level, the gateway to universal understanding.
Most of the Development stage of the Freedom Academy is centred on fifth dimensional understanding. Of the global population it is estimated probably less than 10% have a good understanding of the fifth dimension exhibiting a vibrational level of more than 5.5 and over 65% have no understanding, knowledge or acceptance of it at all. To them it’s just ‘weird stuff’.
The 6th Dimension is the ‘next level’, the level of Soul rather than spirit. These concepts are very close with Soul being the individuated ‘piece’ of Universal energy or ‘who you really are’, whereas spirit is more general spiritual energy not necessarily specific to an individual. These terms often get mixed up, but they are very close and as they are really the same thing, energy, does it matter?
he sixth dimension is removed from the third. People who experience the sixth, and we can, lose contact with the third, not physically as we can still be ‘alive’, but take a temporary existence outside the restrictions of mind and body. Ideas, intuition, inspiration, come to us through the Soul in the sixth dimension which has access to all knowledge and understanding and is also the source of creation.
Artists, composers, writers all have sixth dimensional experiences, in a sort of super-consciousness where the content of whatever they are creating just ‘comes to them’. Mozart often said the music just ‘came to him’ as did many other musicians and composers and many writers and artists have had the same experience.
For a short time while they are ‘in the zone’ transforming thought energy into something others can see hear or read in the third dimension. The ‘zone’ in this experience is the sixth dimension. The same thing happens with some great speakers who can just go in front of a crowd and let the words come to them.
That’s all we know about the sixth dimension, short visits from time to time, but it may be ‘what happens next’ after we leave our three-dimensional experience. It maybe where we decide what to do next, to come back for another ‘go’ at the three-dimensional experience or to go on to whatever the higher dimensions hold.
We cannot know much, if anything about dimensions 7 to 9, but we can surmise the highest dimension, the 10th is as close as we can come tot ‘the end’ but as explained there is neither any end or any beginning. If all energy did somehow coalesce into a 10th dimensional ‘black hole’ it would only then become the 1st dimension and ‘start again – this is the ‘nature’ of infinity.