7P Part 3

7P Part 3 150 150 Ben Coker

7 Pillars of Freedom

Part 3 – Reality



Understanding ‘Reality’ is important because reality is only comparative. What is real in the second dimension ‘everything is flat’ is not ‘real’ in the third. Is what you see on a screen ‘real’? No, it’s a projection, and in the same way what may be ‘real’ in the third dimension when viewed from the fifth is ‘just an illusion’.

Understanding Belief helps you clarify your beliefs and what a ‘belief’ really is in contrast with ‘faith’. Helps you distinguish between a belief and a paradigm, ‘truth’ and ‘reality’ and the concept of the ‘alternate universe’ referred to later in the Timeline Pillar. A key part of this Pillar is the understanding of doubt, how it originates and how it is fostered and the impact it has on belief and faith. This Pillar will help you to reduce, discard and eliminate doubt.

We learned about fear, uncertainty, and doubt in the Foundation level. Understanding reality will help you reduce the chance of falling into that state. Here’s the fundamental principle we must understand: ‘reality’ only pertains to a specific dimension. What is real in one is ‘unreal’ in another and this explains why so many people dismiss fifth dimensional phenomena like energy healing as ‘not real’ and hence conclude it does not or cannot ‘work’.

In a way they are right – if it isn’t ‘real’ to them, it won’t work for them; but that doesn’t mean it’s not real in the fifth dimension or won’t ‘work’ for those of us who operate from there.

Over the millennia ‘man’ has had an obsession with truth and reality asking questions like ‘why?’ and ‘how?’ about almost everything, wanting to ‘get to the bottom’ of things and demanding ‘the truth’. But when explanations are given which aren’t purely third dimensional, they dismiss the reasoning as ‘unsound’ (or worse) and refuse to accept what really is the truth!

The problem is it’s difficult to find the ‘truth’ – when there is really no such thing – everyone has their own truth, their own ‘take’ on things but not everyone is brave enough or eloquent enough to ‘explain themselves’. What happens is the ‘truth’ becomes the opinion held by the majority – or perhaps that should be the other way around – the ‘majority opinion’ is the ‘truth’.

Truth and reality are seen as the same, but they are rarely so. Where do they come from? They are the result of fourth dimensional thinking based on knowledge but not necessarily understanding, and knowledge is gained from observation, experience, experiment, and reference to previously documented ‘knowledge’ – which of course may be neither true nor relevant.

It is well known two people can observe the same event or incident and come up with completely different descriptions of what happened: “it was a green car” – “it was a blue car” and so on. Two people can carry out the same experiment under the same conditions and get completely different results. Two people can undergo the same experience and get completely different understandings or feelings about it.

Who is right? Which is real? They both are; you have your truth and I have mine. Look at the American Declaration of Independence “We hold these truths to be self-evident”. Look at the USA today – there is a massive diversity in what might be ‘self-evident’ about the statements made in the Declaration!

Philosophy and science (which is experimental philosophy) search for answers as to how and why things work, what is true, what is real, and so on but until they accept what they are researching is three dimensional only and if it isn’t, they can’t use three dimensional methods to investigate it they’re on a hiding to nothing. Their assumption, or is it creed, that ‘if it’s not scientifically proven it doesn’t exist or doesn’t work’ is just an expression of their own fourth dimensional self-importance.

The fifth dimensional view is more along the lines of ‘if it works it works’, ‘if it happens it happens’, ‘if it is it is’ and “it is what it is – accept it”. We don’t need to know how or why or what, we don’t need to know to understand the Universe and all its energetic forms and components IS, and it all works in a ‘certain way’ as Wallace D Watttles’ explained in his book ‘The Science of Getting Rich’ (misleading title by the way).

What we believe does not have to be proven, is not part of any ‘grand scheme of things’ but just IS. If there is an answer or an explanation we need for any reason it will come to us or it may well be with us already. If an ‘answer’ is needed “ask and it shall be given” unless of course it isn’t really needed at all.