7P Part 4

7P Part 4 150 150 Ben Coker

7 Pillars of Freedom

Part 4 – The Matrix



Understanding the Matrix helps you respond to others, help others and have them help you, helps you maintain start and end relationships of all types, helps you understand who you really are in the context of the planet and universe as a whole. We exist in a framework of third and fourth dimensional entities with which we need to co-exist harmoniously. Maintaining that balance and understanding our place in that 3rd/4th dimensional matrix is what this pillar is all about.

You and I are infinite higher dimensional beings experiencing a third dimensional existence in a physical body. The body would and could exist without us in a different way and continues to exert as much influence on us through its conscious mind as it can, but we are in control of the super-conscious (the spiritual side) and partial control of the subconscious where we have connected through the 5th dimension. Without ‘us’ the human animal ‘homo sapiens’ would probably not exist quite in the form we know it but more like now extinct relations in the genus ‘homo’.

That said, this pillar (which happens to be the ‘central’ pillar of the seven) is all about our relationship and interaction with the planet we have chosen to live on in this incarnation, our ‘neighbours’ species who live on the planet with us (some of whom host Souls and spirit as we do), our fellow ‘expats’ from our home dimension, and those (very few) of our animal species who for one reason or another are not hosts.

The Universe is energy and only energy, but we observe much diversity across this infinite expanse. As a community of Souls – although of course there is only ‘one’ of us, we have experienced many planets, many life forms and many happenings. We have made calamitous mistakes and had glorious victories in association with our chosen hosts. We come to each life looking for new ‘experiences’, new understandings, to take back to the collective entity which we are.

A good analogy – ‘the great link’ – where the ‘changelings (who adopt different forms) come together as one was described in the TV series ‘Star Trek Deep Space 9’. The Matrix I refer to here is like the ‘great link, but not some slimy goo, it’s just pure energy.

ut energy is everything, is continuous and is infinite, so where did all these galaxies, stars, planets and the things on them come from? It came out of our singular experience as energetic form. ‘We’ made it, ‘we’ caused it to happen, No ‘master plan’, no mastermind, now all powerful entity – except the all powerful entity which is energy itself.

Let go of the individuation, the individual, for a moment and just be part of the Matrix, the ‘great link’ and imagine what you/I/we are capable of. We can re-form, restructure, transform, whatever we as one decide – but there’s a catch. What we’ve put together, forms as the Universe, would be completely pointless, sterile and boring. It would serve no useful purpose and might as well just become an amorphous ‘mess’ of random energy unless we created ‘challenges’.

It’s through challenges we learn, through challenges we make mistakes, through challenges we improve and through challenges we grow.

You and I incarnate ourselves as individuals to take on experiential challenges, individual and collective. You might think of the planet as a ‘theme park’ where we come to experience different ‘rides through which individually we learn and when wee go back we take that understanding with us.

Of course, part of the challenge is to ‘discover’ who and what we are and why we are here because one of the ‘rules’ we have made is not to carry the information with us from one life to another. That leads on to another type of challenge and another type of experience. This ‘collective’ challenge is where ‘things’ often go wrong – or perhaps not as ‘things going wrong’ may itself be the challenge.

‘We’ have already destroyed at least one planet and may have come close to destroying this one – but maybe we collectively ‘remembered’ (unconsciously) from previous experience, previous lifetimes, the warning signs telling us we are going down the wrong road and we can collectively draw back – or not.

We are ‘all’ here for different experiences and this can lead to clashes and conflicts, especially where we embrace purely fourth dimensional behaviour. It can also lead to close relationships with others of our kind and even with other beings in our environment. We interact with both the physical environment and the living environment in different ways and our desired experience may lead to different views on these interactions.

There is no ‘good’ or ‘bad’ in this, no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ but there is a balance to be found, an accommodation to be made because ‘behind’ our existence here there is the knowledge and understanding we have built up over the infinity of the Universe about what we are ‘doing’ and why we are doing it.

We are here for our own individual experience and our collective experience and part of these are the interactions and relationships e have with each other and with the planet. As we know from Pillar 3 there is no ‘right way’ or ‘wrong way’, it’s our own experience individually, but also our one experience collectively. Let’s just see how it pans out learn a bit more to contribute to the energetic matrix.