7P Part 6

7P Part 6 150 150 Ben Coker

7 Pillars of Freedom

Part 6 – The Timeline



Understanding the Timeline keeps you within the boundaries of your Way while offering different choices but keeping you on track, sequence and direction, the personal ‘blockchain’. Our journey along our Way is rarely straightforward, there is no ‘straight and narrow’ but many alternative routes we could take. This pillar explains how we make choices and decisions (and the difference between them) guides you into building your Vision and the requirements for the Process you follow whilst understanding the ‘what ifs’ you will encounter. You will also learn why and how ‘change’ is ‘allowed’ and indeed essential from time to time.

As we progress along our Way we leave a trail of history, like a blockchain of transactions which once done cannot be undone. We cannot go back and undo our mistakes; we cannot go back and change our choices. As C. S. Lewis put it “You cannot go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending”.

Andrrea Hess, discoverer of the Soul Realignment technique explains how going forward we have six alternate timelines we can choose to follow from ‘now’. Sic options as to what to do next. We weave those timelines together into our personal history or. ‘blockchain tail’. Usually we choose just one ‘way forward’ but in some cases we can follow two – a bit like skiing with a mono-ski or with one on each foot.

Of course, we don’t always ‘see’ all these options and often we are ‘fixed’ on one timeline through a long sequence of events but all of a sudden something changes. We may meet a ‘dead end’ or an obstacle we can’t or don’t want to go around, over or through and we decide to change course, change timelines, and follow a different path while still on the same journey, or start a different journey.

To assist us in making the choice between the remaining five alternatives we need to review, to review our goals, our objectives, our plans – or even ‘rethink’ our dream or purpose. As you will discover later in the Academy programme it’s a good idea to do this on a regular basis in any case to see if you need to make a ‘course correction’.

When you switch timelines and embark on a different solution, or change tack you are entering what some might describe as an ‘alternate universe’ – alternate to where you were before. There is only the Universe but what happens within it has infinite alternatives. Just take a look at history (the back story) and imagine what might have happened. What if Napoleon or Hitler hadn’t turned back from Moscow – how would things have looked if they had not chosen to change timelines from the ones they were following?

The same applies going forward. Every time you or I change timelines – or ‘change our minds’ – we change the future, we change the whole future of the Universe, we change the future for everyone. What you or I decide today may no amount to “a hill of beans” but like the butterfly in the jungle it can have significant effects of which you and I, when we make those decisions, know or can visualise, absolutely nothing.

It’s not our concern how our actions might affect the Universe. We cannot do any harm or even any ‘good’. The Universe IS. The Universe is always, and the Universe is infinite. What matters to us – and to the Universe as we are part o it, is how the choice we make affects us, how it makes things different for us, us alone, no-one else. It’s about, as Andrrea Hess puts it, our ‘highest good’. That must always come first, the ‘highest good’ of others always comes second and should never be placed above ours whatever the situation. We must fit our oxygen mask before we help others.

The needs of the one, the needs of ‘I’, outweigh the needs of the many – because the ‘many’ are the One and the One, the ‘I’ is the many.

Our choices and decisions about whatever is ‘next when we reach a decision point will affect others but that’s not our problem. They have their own timelines to choose, and we can’t choose for them as they can’t choose for us. They are not our responsibility, and neither are we theirs – whoever they are.

You and I always need to be aware of this, is someone attempting to change our timeline or persuade us to? If so, then we need to take control and change our timelines ourselves. Having said that, changing your timeline, although possibly a hard choice, is not forever, you can always change back or change to another as you follow your path.