Making it Happen Part 5

Making it Happen Part 5 150 150 Ben Coker

Making it Happen

Part 5 – Vision Development



Although you’ve put much effort into creating and building your dream or vision it shouldn’t become something ‘cast in stone’ and stuck to ‘religiously’ which cannot be changed, tweaked and developed. If you do that it soon becomes not a vision, not a dream, not part of your life purpose, but an obsession.

Your purposes and your Way are not there to rule you (or anyone else for that matter) but to serve you in your transformation to life mastery and personal freedom. Many potentially great men and women have succumbed to obsession. Why? Because it’s easier. Religions work by creating a strict order and structure of rules to which you must adhere to obtain the ultimate prize they offer of ‘everlasting life’.

But as you are learning, we already have everlasting life. We are infinite beings inhabiting a physical environment, our existence, our ‘life’, here is only a temporary interlude in our infinite existence. To keep our vision and dream ‘healthy’ it needs to be kept up to date.

We will, and do, ‘change our minds’ and our focus, emphasis and direction of where we are going. New ideas come to us on a regular basis. When we wake up in the middle of the night with a flash of intuition, we don’t disregard it because ‘it’s not in our vision’ or might be contrary to our goals and plans but we embrace it.

These inspirations come to guide us, maybe because we’re ‘off course’ or because the course we’re on isn’t the best route. When this happens in whatever way and also on a regular basis we need to review and update what we are doing on each level of activity. My mentor Phil Olley suggests we take a regular ‘hotel day’ or ‘away day’ when we take the opportunity to look it all over in different surroundings to avoid ‘daily distractions’ and so on.

In the Resources section you’ll find a format for a ring binder you can set up as your ‘Mission Control’ (another of Phil’s ideas). In there you’ll keep your written records – on paper by the way, it works better than doing it all on a screen and you don’t need an internet connection to find it – your written down vision, your core values, your goals and plans, perhaps your Vision Power workbooks and other ‘documentation’ of what we’ll come to in this or the next module of your transformation.