Taking it Forward Part 2

Taking it Forward Part 2 150 150 Ben Coker

Taking it Forward

Part 2 – Affirmations



Affirmations are often dismissed as ‘not working’ but daily affirmations are fundamental to maintaining belief in your self and the essentials of vision realisation and the Seven Pillars. All religions have a system of ‘daily prayers’ which tend to focus on an external higher power entity rather than the self, often in some cases in a negative context.

You may already have some affirmations which you may or may not make every day in one way or another. Some people say you only need to have one or two but “I am enough” or “I like myself” is not enough in terms of affirmations. You need at least one for each domain of life, but you also need others which relate to your current visions and also those sectors of the domains you are focussing on from your Four by Forward analysis.

I probably have around 150 affirmations which are all recorded in my ‘Mission Control’ folder and are reviewed monthly, but I have a ‘short list’ of 16 I say out loud into the mirror every day, 36 set up as ‘mind movies’ which I watch and read to myself every day and others I have printed on A4 sheets pinned up mostly in the kitchen.

I have “I am enough” written on all my mirrors (as prescribed by Marisa Peer) and I also have two other types of affirmation. These are statements of intent, written in the present tense and gratitude statements, slightly longer than the average ‘I am’ affirmation which again I read out into the mirror every morning.

I include all of these under ‘affirmations’ and you too should have some of each but there is one thing very important to remember when writing them. They must be written in the present tense.

There is no point in telling your mind, your subconscious, what you ‘want’. ‘Want’ is translated as ‘lack’ and from the rules of the mind your brain, your subconscious, always does what it thinks you are asking it to do. If you say, “I want” you are saying “I don’t have” and the mind’s response is “so what? I know that. You are not asking for anything – nothing to do here” whereas if you say “I have” or “I am so happy and grateful for” something you don’t ‘have’ at the moment the mid detects the inconsistency and – after enough repetitions of this ‘command’, sets about making it happen.

Now you must believe and have faith in the words otherwise your mind will go with the familiar – “yeah, you say that every day, but I know you don’t believe I can help you get that”. The more you repeat these affirmations, intentions and gratitude statements – with feeling, faith and energy, the more you, your mind, comes to accept their truth and the easier it becomes to manifest what you seek.

A warning – as with everything you must be clear what you mean, there must be no ambiguity. If you say “I am wealthy” you must have a clear image in your mind of what that means to you. The old maxim – ‘be careful what you think about’ applies. If you’re not careful things will happen not quite in the way you expected and deliver not quite the result you expected.