
Seven Keys Sales

Seven Keys Sales 150 150 Ben Coker

Seven Keys to Freedom This course is based on the book ‘Seven Keys to Freedom’ by Ben Coker This module provides an extension to the book (which is included as part of the course) providing suggestions and exercises in how to use each of the keys expanding on the material in the book itself. ‘The Freedom Challenge’  is also provided here in electronic form Should you require any more information please book a 20 minute Clarity Call Book a Clarity…

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Practical Philosophy Sales

Practical Philosophy Sales 150 150 Ben Coker

Practical Philosophy Practical philosophy is all about turning ideas into action. Philosophy itself is about thought, discussion and coming up with ideas. Science used to be called ‘natural philosophy’ concerning itself primarily with material things rather than ‘pure thought’ or perhaps ‘spiritual’ things while mathematics is the ‘philosophy’ of numbers. There are applications for maths and science which can be put into practice by engineers but with philosophy, which is more the mind, the spirit, and the ‘why’ of things…

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Making it Happen Sales

Making it Happen Sales 150 150 Ben Coker

Making it Happen This is the first step after the Learning and Development phases of making your Transformation happen This module cover several key activities you need to undertake and habits you need to create (and some you need to eliminate) to capitalise on what you’ve learned and done so far. It includes creating your core values, managing change, relationships with ‘partners in believing’ and setting up personal methods of operation Should you require any more information please book a…

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Your Helping Businesss Sales

Your Helping Businesss Sales 150 150 Ben Coker

Your Helping Business This is a special programme for those working independently as a Coach, Therapist or Healer It shows you how to set up your own personal business and is based on the book ‘How to Set Up Your Own Personal Business’ by Ben Coker specially modified for those of us in what Peter Thomson calls ‘The Helping Industry’ This is an essential if you do wish to operate as a proper business rather than on an ad hoc…

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Taking it Forward Sales

Taking it Forward Sales 150 150 Ben Coker

Taking it Forward Once you’ve defined your purposes, your visions, your goals and plans there are three essentials you need to ensure you achieve what you seek. These are first CLARITY, second FOCUS and third COMMITMENT or persistence and perseverance. Added to these are the ‘keys to freedom’ you’ll have discovered earlier. If you don’t have absolute clarity at the level you’re operating whether that be an activity, a plan, a goal or your vision and purpose you will not succeed because…

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Funding Freedom Sales

Funding Freedom Sales 150 150 Ben Coker

Funding Your Freedom This module explores the ways and means of funding, or resourcing your personal freedom We explore the concept of ‘wealth’, wealth beyond ‘money’ and look at the different categories of wealth, or resource, we need to ensure the longevity of our chosen freedom and Way. We examine the various ‘money paradigms’ which are also directly applicable to other forms of wealth and how we can eliminate them or alter them in a way which benefits our highest good. This…

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Life on Purpose Sales

Life on Purpose Sales 150 150 Ben Coker

Life on Purpose This course is all about how we manage our lives, what plan we are following, who we want to be and what we want to do and have at different stages in life. We’ll also look at the transitions between these stages, the human element and the spiritual element. How do we discover our purpose and how do we develop our purpose in life as it changes from stage to stage, of which there are three or…

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Money Paradigm Sales

Money Paradigm Sales 150 150 Ben Coker

The Money Paradigm Money plays a huge part in our lives. It hasn’t always done so and this is partly about how money came to be so useful to us. What IS money? What forms does it take? How can we use it and who controls it? This course explores the concept of ‘money’, what it is, how it works and its evolution over the years. We examine how, and why, we use money with the solutions it provides and…

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4 by Forward Sales

4 by Forward Sales 150 150 Ben Coker

Four by Forward This programme is based on the ‘Four Domains’ of Life’ adapted from Mary Morrissey The ‘Four Domains’ are ‘self’, ‘others’, giving’ and ‘receiving’ which could also be expressed as assets, liabilities, inputs and outputs a theme expanded on in a later module about running your life as if it were a business. The key thing here is to do your best to keep those ‘domains’ in balance as any area which for you might be an ‘issue’…

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7Pilars Sales

7Pilars Sales 150 150 Ben Coker

Seven Pillars of Freedom The ‘Seven Pillars’ build on the Foundation describing in more detail energy and space, the dimensions, truth, the matrix we inhabit, your ‘Way’ and timelines and the resources (or wealth) you need to fulfil your destiny. Fo0llowing on from this there is a ‘how to’ section – ‘Finding Your Way’ outlining life essentials, your options and what you can do to move forward Should you require any more information please book a 20 minute Clarity Call…

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