Practical Philosophy

Practical Philosophy Part 8

Practical Philosophy Part 8 150 150 Ben Coker

Practical Philosophy Part 8 – Ho’oponopono VIDEO COMING SOON AUDIO COMING SOON The Ho’oponopono technique developed from ancient Hawaiian ritual by Dr Ihaleakala Hew Len and Joe Vitale is a process of ‘cleaning’ the subconscious mind of redundant ‘memories’, paradigms, data, ideas, and beliefs which are inhibiting the higher good and communication with Source. Unlike all other therapies the ‘subject’ does not need to be aware of this process being carried out and is perhaps the one thing that you…

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Practical Philosophy Part 7

Practical Philosophy Part 7 150 150 Ben Coker

Practical Philosophy Part 7 – ECBC Emotion Code & Body Code VIDEO COMING SOON AUDIO COMING SOON Coming Soon Back Next Worksheet

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Practical Philosophy Part 6

Practical Philosophy Part 6 150 150 Ben Coker

Practical Philosophy Part 6 – Soul Realignment VIDEO COMING SOON AUDIO COMING SOON The Soul Realignment technique developed by Andrrea Hess examines your past lives through access to the Akashic Records – a sort of 5th Dimensional database, to identify blocks and restrictions, caused by past lifetime events, which have not been previously cleared. The technique also identifies the basic characteristics you were endowed with when you were first created, and this may help to explain or guide your actions…

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Practical Philosophy Part 5

Practical Philosophy Part 5 150 150 Ben Coker

Practical Philosophy Part 5 -Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT)  VIDEO COMING SOON AUDIO COMING SOON One of the most effective therapies, if not the most effective, is RTT or Rapid Transformational Therapy developed over the course of 30 years of professional practise by Marisa Peer who trains others to use her technique worldwide. It derives from hypnotherapy, NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) and other techniques including an element of energy healing. Without going into the details, which are…

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Practical Philosophy Part 4

Practical Philosophy Part 4 150 150 Ben Coker

Practical Philosophy Part 4 – Therapies VIDEO COMING SOON AUDIO COMING SOON The primary difference between healing and therapy is that in therapies the patient or ‘client’, has to take part. Between therapy sessions the practitioner will give their client ‘homework’ – tasks they need to do or rituals they need to perform typically for an uninterrupted period of 21 days immediately following the therapy session. It’s an integral part of the treatment and therapists will normally explain up front…

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Practical Philosophy Part 3

Practical Philosophy Part 3 150 150 Ben Coker

Practical Philosophy Part 3 – Healing VIDEO COMING SOON AUDIO COMING SOON Science, and especially medical science doesn’t have all the answers, even though they think they do. You and I have amazing healing powers, it’s just we’ve lost or more accurately ‘forgotten’ how to use them. There are several types of ‘non-medical’ or ‘alternative’ healing which the ‘scientific medical profession’ insists do not exist or do not work. Their view is if it’s not been ‘scientifically proven’ it doesn’t…

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Practical Philosophy Part 2

Practical Philosophy Part 2 150 150 Ben Coker

Practical Philosophy Part 2 – Spiritual Growth VIDEO COMING SOON AUDIO COMING SOON In his book ‘Power versus Force’ Dr David J Hawkins outlines a ‘map’ for personal spiritual growth. He described it as a “map of consciousness” which might be better understood as a map of the awareness you and I have of our own thoughts, emotions, existence, sensations, and surroundings. It’s the ‘lens’ through which you and I see our lives at any moment and as any spectacle…

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Practical Philosophy Part 1

Practical Philosophy Part 1 150 150 Ben Coker

Practical Philosophy Part 1 – Introduction VIDEO COMING SOON AUDIO COMING SOON Practical philosophy is all about turning ideas into action. Philosophy itself is about thought, discussion and coming up with ideas. Science used to be called ‘natural philosophy’ concerning itself primarily with material things rather than ‘pure thought’ or perhaps ‘spiritual’ things while mathematics is the ‘philosophy’ of numbers. There are applications for maths and science which can be put into practice by engineers but with philosophy, which is…

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