Money Paradigm

MP Part 6

MP Part 6 150 150 Ben Coker

The Money Paradigm Part 6 – Assets VIDEO COMING SOON AUDIO COMING SOON Creating digital assets is a recent development adding to the viability and security of real assets. I’ve explained different types of assets – physical, intellectual and project – elsewhere but any asset can be ‘tokenised’, even if at present it has very little real value, especially in the case of project assets. The principle is this. You create a fixed number of tokens to represent the asset;…

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MP Part 5

MP Part 5 150 150 Ben Coker

The Money Paradigm Part 5 – The Future of Money VIDEO COMING SOON AUDIO COMING SOON When money first came in to use it was decentralised, different localities or groups had different money and for centuries there were no banks as we know them. One of the first of these was set up by the Borgias in Florence and since then money has become more and more centralised with each country or nation creating its own ‘central bank’. This has…

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MP Part 4

MP Part 4 150 150 Ben Coker

The Money Paradigm Part 4 – Problems with Money VIDEO COMING SOON AUDIO COMING SOON It’s surprising the number of people who have a ‘built in problem with money – or maybe not. Were you ever told as a child “money doesn’t grow on trees”, “we’re not made of money” or just “we can’t afford it” and not forgetting “money is the root of all evil” and “rich people are all bad” or some variant of these sayings? We are…

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MP Part 3

MP Part 3 150 150 Ben Coker

The Money Paradigm Part 3 – Using Your Money VIDEO COMING SOON AUDIO COMING SOON The secret to money is simple – use it, Money only ‘works’ when it is in circulation, but there is ore than one way to circulate it. The first and majority ‘use case’ for money is to facilitate exchange, buying and selling of goods and services. If you are ‘employed’ you get paid for your services rendered and the amount will depend on your knowledge…

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MP Part 2

MP Part 2 150 150 Ben Coker

The Money Paradigm Part 2 – How Money Works VIDEO COMING SOON AUDIO COMING SOON In the beginning the idea of money, exchangeable ‘tokens’ came about when exchanging items of value as money, precious metals or other ‘rare’ commodities, sometimes anything in short supply such as spices. This sounds simple but not everyone had access to those things and so communities came to the agreement that something ‘standard’ should be used to facilitate exchange whether that was for services rendered…

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MP Part 1

MP Part 1 150 150 Ben Coker

The Money Paradigm Part 1 – What is Money? VIDEO COMING SOON AUDIO COMING SOON What IS Money? Money as such is not real, it’s simply a concept or promise, a bargain. True, in the past we used to use items of intrinsic value such as precious metals or jewels as a means of exchange, to facilitate a purchase or a sale but we don’t do that anymore. We’ve replaced the items of real value with tokens, coins, points, or…

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