Taking it Forward

Taking it Forward Part 7

Taking it Forward Part 7 150 150 Ben Coker

Taking it Forward Part 7 – Your Own Business VIDEO COMING SOON AUDIO COMING SOON Creating YOUR OWN BUSINESS A business is something separate from you. It’s a separate entity in the eyes of the authorities and this gives you several advantages in respect of your personal freedom. Businesses essentially have four ‘departments’: Operations is creating whet the business provides, in this case what you do, what you deliver, a product or service Finance is about managing the money Compliance…

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Taking it Forward Part 6

Taking it Forward Part 6 150 150 Ben Coker

Taking it Forward Part 6 – Multiple Streams of Income VIDEO COMING SOON AUDIO COMING SOON Popular advice to the school leaver in the recent past has always been “get some good qualifications, find a good job and you’re set for life”. This might have sounded good during the 20th century, but it just doesn’t work any more. Just one stream of income is a very high-risk option, and this applies if you’re an employee or run a business. It’s…

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Taking it Forward Part 5

Taking it Forward Part 5 150 150 Ben Coker

Taking it Forward Part 5 –  Personal Actions VIDEO COMING SOON AUDIO COMING SOON British business guru Sir John Harvey Jones – ‘The Troubleshooter’ once said to my mentor Peter Thomson: “Peter, only ever do what only you can do”. This sounds simple but there’s a little more to it than that in terms of your journey of transformation. There are some things others may be able to do better than us, or quicker than us, but often part of…

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Taking it Forward Part 4

Taking it Forward Part 4 150 150 Ben Coker

Taking it Forward Part 4 – Learning VIDEO COMING SOON AUDIO COMING SOON You and I are learning every moment of our lives whether we know it or not. For some people ‘conscious’ learning stops the moment they leave school – their perception of learning is about remembering what seem to be a lot of useless facts. There is some truth in this as I’ve not yet found a use for Latin or Algebra since I left school and only…

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Taking it Forward Part 3

Taking it Forward Part 3 150 150 Ben Coker

Taking it Forward Part 3 – Your Daily Routine VIDEO COMING SOON AUDIO COMING SOON To consolidate all this, you need a daily routine and part of this should be what we used to call keeping a diary (I have about 10 years of my father’s diaries which are very illuminating describing sides of him I never knew) but we now call ‘journaling’ – more American language creeping in. In some cases, it may be called a day-book, the military…

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Taking it Forward Part 2

Taking it Forward Part 2 150 150 Ben Coker

Taking it Forward Part 2 – Affirmations VIDEO COMING SOON AUDIO COMING SOON Affirmations are often dismissed as ‘not working’ but daily affirmations are fundamental to maintaining belief in your self and the essentials of vision realisation and the Seven Pillars. All religions have a system of ‘daily prayers’ which tend to focus on an external higher power entity rather than the self, often in some cases in a negative context. You may already have some affirmations which you may…

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Taking it Forward Part 1

Taking it Forward Part 1 150 150 Ben Coker

Taking it Forward Part 1 – The Essentials of Life Mastery VIDEO COMING SOON AUDIO COMING SOON Once you’ve defined your purposes, your visions, your goals and plans there are three essentials you need to ensure you achieve what you seek. These are first CLARITY, second FOCUS and third COMMITMENT or persistence and perseverance. Added to these are the ‘keys to freedom’ you’ll have discovered earlier. If you don’t have absolute clarity at the level you’re operating whether that be…

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