
Foundation 12

Foundation 12 150 150 Ben Coker

 Lesson 12 Practical Philosophy VIDEO COMING SOON AUDIO COMING SOON Practical Philosophy is all about turning ideas into action. Philosophy itself is about thought, discussion and coming up with ideas. Science used to be called ‘natural philosophy’ concerning itself primarily with material things rather than ‘pure thought’ or perhaps ‘spiritual’ things while mathematics is the ‘philosophy’ of numbers. There are applications for maths and science which can be put into practice by engineers but with philosophy, which is more the…

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Foundation 11

Foundation 11 150 150 Ben Coker

 Lesson 11 Life and Business – Taking it Forward VIDEO COMING SOON AUDIO COMING SOON Coming Soon Back Next Worksheet

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Foundation 10

Foundation 10 150 150 Ben Coker

 Lesson 10 Emerging Technology VIDEO COMING SOON AUDIO COMING SOON The pace of technological development is increasing exponentially. We are continually finding ways of doing things faster, more efficiently, and more effectively. This is something some see as a threat, likely to cause changes which most people don’t really understand and which will be more deeply explained in the Making it Happen and Taking it Forward courses. What we must remember is technology, whatever form it takes, can only do…

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Foundation 9

Foundation 9 150 150 Ben Coker

 Lesson 9 Personal Freedom VIDEO COMING SOON AUDIO COMING SOON Personal freedom, the ability and opportunity to be who we want to be, do what we want to do, and have what we want to have, whether it be possessions, relationships or experiences, is an ideal few rarely achieve. You see our personal individual freedom is limited and restricted for one reason or another by the society in which we live. To survive in this third dimensional world we inhabit,…

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Foundation 8

Foundation 8 150 150 Ben Coker

 Lesson 8 The Laws and the Rules VIDEO COMING SOON AUDIO COMING SOON The Laws of the Universe This course describes and explains the Laws of the Universe frequently referred to in the sphere of personal development. What most people aren’t aware of however is the Laws work as an integrated system just like the Laws of Physics (which are part of this as well) rather than separately. You’ll have heard of the Law of Attraction popularised in Rhonda Byrne’s…

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Foundation 7

Foundation 7 150 150 Ben Coker

 Lesson 7 Singularity – Crowd – Mindset – Personality VIDEO COMING SOON AUDIO COMING SOON Singularity and the Crowd Whilst we exist as individuals or more accurately as individuated spiritual entities who’ve chosen to inhabit separate third dimensional beings, Neale Donald Walsch in his books ‘Conversations with God’ explains at length there is only one of us. What this means is whether we like it or not, as ‘human-beings’ we are all connected through our spiritual selves or souls, and…

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Foundation 6

Foundation 6 150 150 Ben Coker

 Lesson 6 Time vs Life VIDEO COMING SOON AUDIO COMING SOON Time and life are tied together, particularly in the term ‘lifetime’ and we should understand what this means. One lifetime is the experience we have as infinite beings inhabiting a physical third dimensional host being. Let’s consider this concept we call time. We live in a planet which orbits a star we call the Sun. it takes what we call a ‘year’ to complete one orbit. The planet we…

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Foundation 5

Foundation 5 150 150 Ben Coker

 Lesson 5 Thought – Form – Truth – Reality VIDEO COMING SOON AUDIO COMING SOON Thought & Form “Everything is created twice”, “What a man can conceive and believe he can achieve”. The latter statement was written by Napoleon Hill in his book ‘Think and Grow Rich’ in the first part of the 20th century, hence the language used. There have been many other people who have made similar statements. The concept appears in most versions of the Christian Bible, the…

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Foundation 4

Foundation 4 150 150 Ben Coker

 Lesson 4 Belief, Faith and Doubt VIDEO COMING SOON AUDIO COMING SOON Part of our ‘human condition’ the way we work, is the basic instinct of ‘fight or flight’. This is built into our ‘primaeval’ or ‘reptile’ brain – the lowest level of operation of our body and nervous system. It’s probably fair to say all sentient life forms on this planet, those aware of their environment, their surroundings, and what’s ‘going on’ have this instinct. In the ‘higher’ animals,…

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Foundation 3

Foundation 3 150 150 Ben Coker

Lesson 3 Who and Why? VIDEO COMING SOON AUDIO COMING SOON One of the questions most people ask themselves on one occasion or another is “Who am I?” and “Why am I here?” – “what is the ‘meaning of life’ – what is the answer to the “ultimate question of Life the Universe and Everything”? Well, surprisingly perhaps, Douglas Adams in ‘The Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy’ was absolutely right. The answer is 42! What most people didn’t know is that…

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